Sunday, May 4, 2014

Week 2 ready to go

This week I am taking 85% of the classes. I am constantly thinking about differentiation and inclusion and how to incorporate this into my lessons.
For history this week, students are making routes and a timeline for history. All students will be doing the same task but they will be differentiated on their ability to research. Each group will be given a certain amount of resources to use and one group will have none given to them which means that they have to find all their sources them self. 

I am wondering if setting up a task like this is enough differentiation for the students in my class. As I am in a class with three different year levels and each of them with different abilities, I feel a little over my head in preparing work for them. I think my pre-assessments and formative assessment is helping me group my students into appropriate groups. I am just wondering if they will work to their Zone of Proximal development with the groups I have placed them in.

I also stress with these readiness groups, that I am not allowing for inclusion for the students to development their learning. While all students are being accessed to the same learning content, I feel that they will not work to the best of their ability in their groups.

I will just have to see how this week goes and reflect on it at the end.
I have spent all of Sunday and a little bit of yesterday getting the lesson plans and unit details ready for my placement teacher on Monday. This is my effort so far. It covers all lesson plans up until Wednesday.

A lot of work but I'm prepared for it.

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